Dani from We Are Wanderers

We interviewed Dani from We Are Wanderers, who has been travelling on and off for three years and has recently created a blog to document her full-time travel adventures alongside her friend Rebi. You can visit their blog here.


Aside from traveling and blogging, Dani dedicates her time to writing about travel for several companies and she is also a fashion photographer and web designer. These things, alongside her blog, help her sustain her travels.

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1. When did you first get the urge to travel? How young where you when you went on you first trip?
I’ve had it since I can remember. I think I first dreamed of visiting Japan due to my fondness to anime when I was a child. Afterwards, I became obsessed with paleontology and animals and I would dream of living in Africa on a caravan (yes, like Eliza Thornberry), it still is my dream, actually


My first trip abroad was to the USA when I was around 9.


2. Do you prefer travelling solo or with a partner?
Both are so different. I love travelling solo because I am free to do whatever I want and I don’t have to do what anyone else wants to do. Travelling with a partner is also enjoyable as getting into trouble when you are with someone else is always much more fun. The downside of it is that sometimes the other person wants to go out every night while you would rather stay in and relax. There are a few people who I absolutely love traveling with and I know we are a good match but it is often hard to find!


3. Where have you been to so far? What has been your favourite place?
By continent:
North America: Mexico, USA, Canada, Bahamas, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras
South America: Peru
Europe: United Kingdom (England & Wales), Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Spain, France, Italy
Africa: Morocco


And my favourite? That is very hard to answer but off the top of my head, I’d have to say Chefchouhen in Morocco and Oaxaca City in Mexico.



4. Where do you consider home?
My home will always be Mexico City.


5. What would you say is the hardest aspect of travel?
In my opinion, sometimes not knowing the language is a bit of a hassle, it makes me feel ‘disabled’ having trouble ordering a coffee, but it can sometimes be fun! Budgeting for me is also a bit hard. And um, bank fees? They suck.


6. How do you sustain your travels?
I work online as a writer, web designer, photo retoucher and some other things and I occasionally make some money off my blog. I also travel on a minimum budget.


7. What is your dream destination?
I would have to say right now, Iran is. I am also looking forward to visiting Myanmar and in general, all of Southeast Asia.


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8. Will you ever stop travelling?
I…. don’t know. I am sure one day I will want to settle down, but not anytime soon.


9. When did you start blogging and why?
I started the blog with my friend Rebi with dreams of us becoming well know but with little hopes of it happening. It did, though! We wanted to blog to document our travels and it all began as a simple Facebook page that we wanted to use to hopefully make some contacts around the world but somehow… It got quite big, bigger than I eve imagined! I actually love it, because our readers are so supportive that we never feel that we are alone.


10. What are your short term plans?
I’ll be travelling around Ireland for the next few days and afterwards I will spend a week or two in London as my family will be there and I need to rest a bit, stop moving around and focus on my work for a while!

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Written by: Tripedia Editor