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St. Nicholas Church (Lesser Town)

St. Nicholas Church (Lesser Town)
  • (worth a trip)
  • less than 1 km
  • Easy
  • Low
  • 1 hour or less
  • 3 3

St. Nicholas Church is the jewel os the Lesser Town (Malá Strana)

Malostranské námesti, 118 00 Praha 1
They offer organ concerts regularly and you can visit the clock tower on the side of the church.
70 kc adults


In the hearth of the Lesser Town (Malá Strana) stands the amazing example of baroque architecture. This church was built during the 18th century by the architect Christoph Dientzenhofer and his son Kilian Dientzenhofer. The church frescos are the highlightof the interior and the white marble statues siting on the pillars.


The organ has over 4,000 pipes that are up to six meters in length and was played by Mozart during 1787. Usually this church offers concerts and you can visit to the tower.

